Septic Remediation

Septic RemediationContrary to popular belief, flow issues the byproduct of anaerobic digestion typically produce do not require an overhaul of the system. In some cases, temporary remediation can be achieved by introducing “bugs” and/or chemical agents commonly referred to as septic shock. Unfortunately, these temporary remedies don’t address the underlying biological problem impeding the performance of the system. The biological process requires to do so requires oxygen and activated sludge to temporarily change the anaerobic digestion process to aerobic, breaking down sludge and improving flow. Septic Express’s patented aerobic remediation process does just that and, within 30 days, will have your system performing optimally without the need for costly system repairs and/or replacement. Septic Express’s additional remediation offerings include:

  • Drain Field Design, Installation and Repair
  • Anaerobic Bacteria Shock Treatments
  • TerraLift Trench-less Drain Field Aeration

What Are Aerobic Bacteria?

Aerobic bacteria are defined as bacteria that live and grow in the presences of oxygen. There have been many inconclusive studies showing the pros and cons of aftermarket aeration systems. Aeration as part of a new septic design is sometimes required by a municipality. If a septic system is manufactured with aeration as part of the original design, the system will most likely function without incident. However, aeration systems utilize air pumps, effluent pumps, and other moving components. They will on occasion require a higher level of maintenance then a simple gravity fed septic tank and drain field with no moving parts or air pumps. Aeration systems have several moving parts including air pumps, chlorinator, effluent pumps and spray heads depending on the type of system. With so many mechanical and electrical parts, the system will require a complete restoration at some point.


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